Sunday, January 14, 2007

Physics in Relation to Health Sciences

Physics In relation to Health Sciences


Physicist are fond of saying that physics is the most basic of all sciences. There is truth in this statement, for physics concerns itself with questions that are basic to all natural sciences. The word physics comes from the greek, meaning “of nature” or “natural philosophy “. Until recent times natural philosophy encompassed many fields, including astronomy, chemistry , biology, mathematics, medicine, philosophy and concerns itself with questions of what underlies the interactions of matter, energy, space and time and even with what constitutes reality.

Physics, whether one is aware of it or not, is encountered in many situations like recreational, occupational, and even social. The situations described are few of the many, particularly in health sciences.

Athletics: We do not all have intuitive feeling for how to use our bodies most effectively. Even the greatest athletes learn from their coaches. One important area of study is kinesiology, literally the study of motion. It is based on relationships between distance, time, velocity, and acceleration. In which as we study this, there is a deeper understanding on how our body , and its muscles , and utilization of energy, and power in terms of underlying physics properties. For example: it will be clear why it is harder to carry an object at arm’s length than close to the body. Experience makes it obvious , but physics tells why. Because it has to do with where the muscles are attached to bones in relationship to the joints.

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Cervical Traction System
Traction Systems: Some traction systems seems to have wires, pulleys and weights going every way and performing altogether with mysterious tasks. Tractions are very important not only the strength of a force, but also the direction of the force and the point where it is applied. The strength of the force in traction will obviously depend on how large a weight is used. The direction of the force will be the same as thee direction of the wire attached to the subject.

Nutrition and excercises: Few things have caught the attention of the public as have nutrition and exercise over the several years. It turns out that work is the manifestations of energy changing forms. In humans, work changes stored food energy into heat, motion and other forms of energy. Work, energy, power and efficiency are related to food energy and human exercise.

Body temperature: Humans and other warm blooded animals maintain a constant body temperature by converting food energy to heat energy. However, the body continues to produce heat even when surrounding temperatures are higher than body temperature . that excess heat is dissipitated by perspiring. eat is a special form of energy. Perspiration is the only body’s possible method of releasing heat when surrounding temperatures. Are high. It will also be seen why an alcohol rub reduces body temperature, as might be necessary with a high fever the concept of efficiency makes it evident that the body creates even more heat than normal during exercise since a large fraction of food energy use in producing muscle contractions ends up as heat instead efficiency is less 100%. As a consequence the body requires more cooling and perspire more during exercise when at rest.

Physical therapy:Patient undergoing physical therapy usually have weakened or damaged muscles or suffer from nerve disorders that make it difficult for them to move their muscle effectively. A great deal in physical therapy takes place in water because the water helps to support the weight of the person. Being in water greatly reduces the effective weight of the person an of his limbs., making it possible for him to perform excercises that would be imposible out of water.the underying principle is the Archimedes Principle, it is one aspect of the physics of fluids

X-rays: X-Ray are part of EM spectrum. Microwaves and ultraviolet waves has properties are very useful as a diagnostic tool for medicine. Those x-rays are hazardous and cannot be made perfectly safe, that their use involves a calculated risk.

Vision: Most people consider vision to be their most important senses. Vision also applies an application of general physics of optics. Among the aspects of vision physics have explanation in the laws of physics are how the eye forms an image on the retina and the correction of common vision defects.


Physics attempts to describe the natural world by the application of the scientific method, including modelling by theoreticians. Formerly, physics included the study of natural philosophy, its counterpart which had been called "physics" (earlier physike) from classical times up to the separation of physics from philosophy as a positive science in the 19th century, as the study of the changing world by philosophy. Mixed questions, of which solutions can be attempted through the applications of both disciplines (for example the divisibility of the atom) can involve natural philosophy in physics (the science) and vice versa .

. Branches of physics

Classical mechanics is a model of the physics of forces acting upon bodies. It is often referred to as "Newtonian mechanics" after Newton and his laws of motion. Classical mechanics is subdivided into

statics (which models objects at rest),

kinematics (which models objects in motion), and

dynamics (which models objects subjected to forces).

Electromagnetism, or electromagnetic theory, is the physics of the electromagnetic field: a field, encompassing all of space, which exerts a force on those particles that possess the property of electric charge, and is in turn affected by the presence and motion of such particles. Electromagnetism encompasses various real-world electromagnetic phenomena.

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Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the action of heat and the conversions from one to another of various forms of energy. Thermodynamics is particularly concerned with how these affect temperature, pressure, volume, mechanical action, and work. Historically, it grew out of efforts to construct more efficient heat engines — devices for extracting useful work from expanding hot gases.Go to fullsize image

Statistical mechanics, a related theory, is the branch of physics that analyzes macroscopic systems by applying statistical principles to their microscopic constituents and, thus, can be used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of bulk materials from the spectroscopic data of individual molecules.

Quantum mechanics is the branch of mathematical physics treating atomic and subatomic systems and their interaction with radiation in terms of observable quantities. It is based on the observation that all forms of energy are released in discrete units or bundles called quanta. Quantum theory typically permits only probable or statistical calculation of the observed features of subatomic particles, understood in terms of wave functions.

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